Arizona Commercial Mortgage Lenders Association


Approved May 14, 2024




Section 1 Name: The name of this Association is the Arizona Commercial Mortgage Lenders

Association, hereinafter referred to as the “Association”.

Section 2 Objective: The Objective for the Arizona Commercial Mortgage Bankers Association

is to effectively promote the interests of those engaged in the business of lending money on

commercial real estate, buying and selling mortgages, deeds of trust, or bonds secured by

commercial real estate. and for the better safeguarding and protecting of the borrower, investor

and originator in commercial real estate mortgage or deed of trust transactions.

Section 3 Duration: The duration of the life of the Association shall be perpetual.

Section 4 Fiscal Year: The fiscal year of the Association shall begin July 1st and end June 30th.

Section 5 Liability: No Member, Officer or Director of the Association shall be liable, either

jointly or severally, for the debts of the Association in excess of unpaid current membership


Section 6 Seal: The Association shall act and operate without a corporate seal.

Section 7 Dissolution: Should the Association cease to exist, the distribution of assets shall be as

follows: (i) Pay any outstanding debts of the Association. , then (i) if any amounts remain

available current annual dues will be refunded by proration, based upon the remaining fiscal

year, and finally (iii) to be distributed to charity as determined by a majority of the remaining





The following are basic policies of the Association:

A.) The Association shall be noncommercial.


B.) The name of the Association or the name of any members in their official capacities

shall not be used to endorse or promote a commercial concern or for any purposes not

related to promotion of the Objectives of the Association.


C.) No part of the net earnings of the Association shall inure the benefit of, or be

distributable to, its Members, Directors, Officers, or other private persons. Except,

that the Association shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable

compensation for services rendered, and to make payments and distributions in

furtherance of the Objectives set forth herein.




Section 1– Classification and Qualifications of Members: The membership of the Association

shall consist of Regular- members. Unless disqualified by other provisions of these Bylaws,

individuals, partnerships. Firms, or corporations who conduct business in accordance with the

Associations Standards of Ethical Practice, and who comply with all applicable State of Arizona

bonding and licensing requirements are eligible for membership. For purposes of definition, in

good standing denotes in compliance with these Bylaws.


A. Membership status: Membership shall inure to the company or entity. Each member

company shall have a designated member. The designated member shall receive all

official association notices and is responsible for paying the annual dues.


Section 2Application for Membership: Applications for membership shall be filed with the

executive secretary on a form provided. The membership application packet shall contain an

application form and a copy of these Bylaws. The Executive Secretary will review theapplication and forward the application to the Board of Directors. All applications shall be acted

upon in a timely manner. The actions of the Board of Directors shall be confidential and final.

A. Fees: There shall be a one-time initiation fee as determined from time to time by the

Board of Directors. Initiation Fee may be waived at the discretion of the Board of


B. Notice of Admission: Notice of Admission to the Association shall be sent by the

Secretary/Treasurer or Executive Secretary to the applicant with a statement of dues to

be paid. Payment of said dues will represent acceptance of Membership, and an

agreement to be bound by the Bylaws.

C. Rejection of Application: Two (2) negative votes shall reject any application for

membership. If an applicant is rejected, reapplication for membership is not acceptable

within six (6) months of the rejection. The Secretary/Treasurer or Executive Secretary

shall forward notice of rejection to the applicant.


Section 3- Dues: the Board of Directors at the Annual Membership Meeting shall set the annual

dues (and administrative charges or late charge for all delinquent payments). All annual dues

shall be due and payable no later than August 1st

A. New Members: Those applicants approved for membership during the fiscal year

shall have their annual dues prorated in accordance with the following schedule;

approved between July 1 and December 31, full annual dues, January 1 to March 31,

fifty percent (50%) of the annual dues; April 1 to June 30, twenty five percent (25%)

of the annual dues.

B. Notification of Dues: The Secretary/Treasurer in conjunction with the Executive

Secretary of the Association will prepare a statement indicating the amount due for

each Member of the Association. Statements will be mailed at the beginning of the

fiscal year.

C. Failure to Pay Dues or Assessments: Failure to pay any dues (or installment thereof)

or assessments due to the Association within thirty (30) days of notification shall be

sufficient cause for the Board of Directors to forfeit the Membership of the delinquent

Member. The Member may be reinstated by the Board of Directors upon payment of

all amounts due to the Association, plus the late charge or administrative charge. The

Board of Directors can assess a late charge or administrative charge in lieu of

forfeiture of membership.

D. Reinstatement: If a member wishes to be reinstated after allowing Membership to

lapse, the Board of directors, at its sole discretion, may assess an additional

reinstatement fee.


Section 4- Special Assessments and Fees: The Board of Directors, with the concurrence of a

majority of the Regular Members voting, can enact special assessments to the Membership. The

Secretary Treasurer or Executive Secretary will forward notification in a timely manner.

Assessments and fees will be due and payable within thirty (30) days of notification.




Section 1- General: The Board of Directors shall have the duty and power to control and

manage all the affairs of the Association. The Board shall approve all purchases and contracts for

the Association as a whole, provide for all expenditures for the Association as a whole, and do

all business necessary in connection with the transaction of the business of the Association in

conducting its Objectives and purposes. Except where specifically restricted in these Bylaws, the

action of the Board of Directors shall be final and shall not require the approval of Regular

Members of the Association to be valid.


Section 2- Composition: The Board of Directors shall consist of not less than nine (9), directors,

but always an uneven number. The Board shall include the four (4) elected officers the

immediate Past President of the Association and at least four (4) additional members.

A. Term: The immediate Past President shall serve a one-year term as a director on the

board. The remaining Directors shall be appointed for up to three-year terms. The

terms of the remaining directors shall be staggered to provide continuity for the board

directing the affairs of the association.


Section 3- Duties: Each duly elected Director shall attend and participate in all scheduled

regular and special meetings of the Board of Directors. The Directors shall accept such

committee assignments, or any other duty, as assigned by the President or the Board of Directors.

A. Removal for Cause: Failure to adequately perform the duties of a director can result

in the President requesting the Director to resign. The request to resign must be

approved by a two-thirds majority of the remaining Directors.


Section 4- Resignations: Any Director or Officer, as hereinafter defined, who ceases to be a

Member of the Association (or employee of a Member) during the term of his office shall be

deemed to have resigned his position effective as of the date he ceases to be a Member. Any

Director can voluntarily resign his position by submitting a letter of resignation to the President

of the Association. Such voluntary resignations shall be effective as of the date the President

submits the letter of resignation to the Board of Directors.


Section 5- Vacancies: The Board of Directors may fill any vacancies among the Officers or

other Directors by a vote of the majority of those present and entitled to vote at a regular Board

of Directors meeting. The person so elected shall complete the term of the person being replaced.


Section 6- Annual Meeting: The annual meeting shall be held during the regularly scheduled

meeting in May of each fiscal year. Election of officers and directors for the succeeding year

shall be held. Other association business requiring the vote of all members shall be conducted at

this meeting as well.

A. Regular Meetings: The President shall call for meetings of the Board of Directors

as required. Meetings may be conducted via technology platforms or email as

required. In-person meetings of the board are not required. The Executive Secretary

shall keep minutes of each meeting held.

B. Special Meetings: At any time deemed necessary, the President may call for a Special

Meeting of the Board of Directors, subject to the notification provisions set forth in

Article IV, Section 6(C) below.

C. Notification of Meetings: The Secretary/Treasurer or Executive Secretary shall notify

each Director in writing of the time, place, and agenda for each Regular or Special

Meeting. This notification shall be made no less than five (5) days prior to the

scheduled meeting.

D. Actions Outside Board of Directors Meetings: Any action that may be taken at a

meeting of the Board of Directors may be taken without a meeting if a consent, in

writing, setting forth the action taken, shall be signed by a majority of the Directors.Electronic means, including email, are acceptable for notice, acceptance, and

approval of all board actions.

E. Quorum: The Directors present at any duly called meeting shall constitute a quorum

for the transaction of business. The act of a majority of the Directors present at a

meeting shall be the act of the Board of Directors unless statute, the Articles of

Incorporation, or these Bylaws require the act of a greater number. A Director shall be

considered present if contact by electronic means is verified and retained in the records

of the board by the Executive Secretary.


Section 7- Special Powers: In addition to the general powers, the Board of Directors have

special powers that include, but are not limited to, the following:

A. Special Membership Meetings: Call general membership meetings to consider specific


B. Additional Duties: Prescribe duties for any of the Officers or committees of the

Association, in addition to those herein set forth.

C. Legal Counsel: Retain legal counsel and employ other people that may be necessary

for the proper conduct of the business of the Association.

D. Association Funds: Direct the management of the funds and properties of the

Association to include designating a depository institution for the funds.




Section 1- There shall be four (4) officers of the Association that are also Directors. These

officers shall be President, President Elect, Vice President, and Secretary/Treasurer (the

“Officer” or “Officers”). The Members at the Annual Meeting shall elect the Officers.


Section 2- Each Officer shall have a term of one (1) year except for the Secretary/Treasurer who

shall hold office for a term of two (2) years.


Section 3- Duties: The duties of each officer shall include, but not be limited to:

A. President: The President shall preside at all meetings of the Membership, enforce the

Bylaws, and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees. The President shall

appoint such committees and committee chairs as required. The President shall

authorize all written contracts and obligations of the Association.

B. President Elect: In the absence of the President, the President Elect shall perform the

duties of the President. The President Elect shall chair the AD-HOC Committees as

established by the Board. The President Elect shall succeed to the office of President at

the Annual Meeting.

C. Vice President: The Vice President shall serve on the Legislative Committee, the

AD-HOC Committees as established by the Board and shall perform the duties of the

President or President Elect, in their absence. The vice president shall succeed to the

office of President-Elect at the annual meeting.

D. Secretary/Treasurer: The Secretary/Treasurer shall be responsible for sending

notices to Members of dues and accounts payable and receiving and receipt of all

monies belonging to or received by the Association. The Secretary/Treasurer shall

keep a record of and account for all monies and all disbursements and shall make a

report thereof at the Annual Membership Meeting, and upon request, at any Board of

Directors Meeting. The Secretary/Treasurer shall keep a record of the proceedings of

the Association. The Secretary/Treasurer shall issue the notices of meetings of the

Association, conduct general correspondence, have charge of all files, records, and

general books, and perform any other duties that the Board of Directors deems

appropriate. Any or all of the above tasks may be delegated to the Executive

Secretary, provided however, that the Secretary/Treasurer conducts an audit of all

receipts and expenditures annually and reports at the annual meeting the results



Section 4- Executive Secretary: The Board of Directors is authorized to have an Executive

Secretary. The Executive Secretary shall be a non-elected salaried position. The Board of

Directors shall determine compensation.

A. Duties: The duties of the Executive Secretary shall be to assist the Board of Directors

and President in the operation of the Association and in documentation, financial

matters, the Annual Meeting, and in whatever other areas as determined by the



Section 5- Withdrawal of Funds: Association funds exceeding $100.00 in any month, may be

withdrawn upon approval of the board by written resolution.


Section 6- Removal of Officer: The Board of Directors, by majority vote, may remove an

officer at its sole discretion for the best interests of the Association.




Section 1- Annual Meetings: A meeting of the Membership of this Association shall be held

annually at such place, date and time as the President shall designate within the state of Arizona,

for the purpose of electing Directors, and for the transaction of any other business which may

properly come before it.

A. Notice of Annual Meeting: Notice of the Annual Meeting will be delivered by mail

to the last known address of all Members as the same appears on the records of the

Association by the Secretary/Treasurer or Executive Secretary no later than two (2)

months before the meeting. This notice will confirm the date, time, location, proposed

agenda, and nominations for Directors.


B. Agenda of Annual Meeting: At a minimum, the agenda will include:

1) Reading and approval of the minutes of the last annual meeting. and any

Special Meeting held since the last Annual Meeting.

2) Reports of all Committees;

3) Treasurers Report;

4) Election of Directors;

5) Old Business;

6) New Business; and

7) Comments from the floor


C. Notice of Additional Nomination or Agenda: If additional nominations or agenda

items are received from the Membership, the Secretary/Treasurer or Executive

Secretary will mail notice no later than twenty (20) days prior to the Annual Meeting

to all Regular Members.


Section 2- Special Meetings: The President or Board of Directors may call Special Meetings of

the Association at any time. In addition, any five (5) Regular Members can call a Special

Meeting by filing a signed, written request for a Special Meeting with the Secretary/Treasurer or

Executive Secretary.

A. Notice of Special Meeting: Notice of any Special Meeting will be delivered by e-

mail to the last known address of all Members as the same appears on the records of

the Association by the Secretary/Treasurer or Executive Secretary no later than ten

(10) days before the meeting. This notice will confirm the date, time, location, and

proposed agenda.

B. Agenda of Special Meeting: Only the proposed agenda items will be discussed at any

Special Meeting.

Section 3- Parliamentary Authority: Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern all

meetings, unless modified by these Bylaws.


Section 4- Quorum: The Regular Members present at any duly called meeting represented

either in person or by proxy, shall constitute a quorum at all Membership meetings.


Section 5- Representation: At all meetings of the Association, one voting delegate and one

alternate may represent Regular Members. Each Regular Member will be allowed only one (1)

vote on each issue.

A. Proxy: Any Member may grant proxy to any other Member if unable to attend a

meeting. This proxy must be in writing and revocable by option of the granting

Member and is effective for three (3) months from the date of granting.

B. Voting: Voting will be by voice unless otherwise ordered by the Chair. Any Member

may request a vote count.Section 6- Control of Meeting: The President of the Association will conduct the Annual

Meeting. No Member will be allowed to speak for more than fifteen (15) minutes.


Section 7- Resolution of Actions: Any action, resolution, or motion for consideration at a Special

Meeting must be submitted in writing and accompany the Notice of Special Meeting. At the

Annual Meeting, a motion, resolution, or action from the floor can be acted upon.




Section 1- Committees: The Association shall have permanent standing committees, and when

prudent, special, or Ad Hoc Committees (i.e., education, compliance) as determined by the board

and appointed by the President. The Board of Directors may also establish such committees as it

deems appropriate in addition to the Standing Committees described below. Each Ad Hoc

committee shall have a limited time unless extended by the board.


Section 2- Standing Committees: The following Standing Committees will assist the President

of the Association in the effective management of the Association.




A. Nominations: At least three (3) months prior to the Annual Meeting, but no later than

April 1st. the President shall convene and chair a nominating committee. This

committee shall consist of at least five (5) and always an uneven number of Members.

The President Elect and at least two (2) past presidents, if available to serve, shall

serve on this committee. The purpose of this committee is to nominate officers and

directors for the next fiscal year.

The Secretary/Treasurer or Executive Secretary shall include a report from the

committee, to include nominees, with the Notice of Annual Meeting. Three (3) or

more Regular Members can make additional nominations. These nominations must bein writing and received by the Secretary/Treasurer or Executive Secretary no later

than thirty (30) days before the scheduled election. Only those persons who have

signified their consent to serve if elected shall be nominated for or elected to such

office. The Secretary/Treasurer or Executive Secretary shall mail a notice of

Additional Nominations/Agenda to all Regular Members no later than twenty (20)

days prior to the Annual Meeting.




Section 1Amendment of Articles and Bylaws: The Board of Directors may adopt a resolution

setting forth any proposed amendments that they may determine to be advisable and directing

that they be submitted to a vote of the Members at either an Annual or Special Meeting for

adoption. A copy of the proposed amendments shall be e-mailed to each Member at least ten (10)

days prior to the scheduled meeting date, notice of which shall have been given in accordance

with Article V I above.